Marcio A

Junior Carpenter

Favourite activity

My favourite hobbies are board games and hunting

Best thing about working in construction

I love working with my creativity and my hands. For me nothing is better than to be proud of the things I make

If I had to eat one meal every day for the rest of my life, it would be

Sushi is my favourite food, definitely I can’t live without

Three traits that define me

Creative, Curious, and Welcoming

One thing I can’t live without

Nintendo Switch

A leader

Take care of others and the group

Best place I’ve travelled

Being in nature is so good for me. I can be in any place in the world but I have to be in nature

In sports, do you prefer offence or defence

I prefer to be more defensive in sports

Least favourite food

Without a doubt, Mango


Boa Vista Roraima, in the north of Brazil

I’m happiest when

I realize my dreams